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Hello I.S. 5 Families!
  • Social and emotional learning is most effective when all members of the school community are included. Here are some conversation starters for families about Digital Life. They include...
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Responsible Decision-Making
  • Relationship Skills
  • Social Awareness
These conversation starters come to you courtesy of Common Sense Media. Common Sense media is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.
Ms. McCormack
I.S. 5 Library Media Specialist

Help Kids Balance Their Media Lives

From phones and tablets to streaming movies and YouTube, tech and media are everywhere. Kids love easy access to TV shows, games, and information. Parents and caregivers love that kids can stay in contact while they explore their independence. But it's easy to overdo it when the phone never stops pinging and the next episode plays automatically. Families can keep media and tech use in check by following a few simple practices.

Here are 5 tips from Common Sense Media to help kids balance their media lives.

Help Kids Fight Cyberbullying and Other Mean Online Behavior.
Most kids will encounter mean behavior at some point in their digital lives. For some kids, this experience is a blip that's easily forgotten , while for others it can have deep, long-lasting effects. For parents, the key is staying involved in kids' lives-- both online and off--so they can step in and offer help if necessary. With guidance from parents and educators, kids can learn how to dodge the drama and stand up for others. 
Please see the 6 attached tips.
Hello Parents!
Please see the attached resources brought to you by Common Sense Media. In both English and Spanish, you will have hyperlinks to videos and additional resources for Kids and Tech. 
-Kids and Tech: How much is too much?
-Kids and Tech: When to get a phone.
Additional Resources:
-Family Tech Planners
-What Should I Teach My Child About Safe Online Behavior?
-What are the Basic  Safety Rules for Cell Phones?
Please see the following family tech planners. One is for ages 9-12 and the other is for ages 13 and up. You can use the questions provided to spark conversations about their digital lives.
Please click this link for an informative article from Common Sense Media. It is a guide to ChatGPT for parents and caregivers. It answers many common questions that parents and caregivers have including...
1. What id ChatGPT?
2. How do you use Chat GPT?
3. Where does chatGPT get its information?
4. Why schools are banning ChatGPT?
5. Should children use ChatGPT?
6. How can I talk to my child about ChatGPT?
Ditch the Distractions: Supporting Kids and Teens with Phone Notifications
Evita las distracciones: Como ayudar a ninos y adolescentes con las notificaciones del telefono
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming!
SAVE THE DATE for March 11, 2024 - March 15, 2024 and get ready to empower your reader with book choice.